Qualifications at Hilltop
Hilltop delivers accredited training and qualifications to represent the progress students have made in their career journey. Our curriculum and supporting pathways ensure that each student’s learning journey supports their personal development and prepares them for the next stage in their life. Qualifications are worked towards from key stage 3 – 5 and are appropriate to stretch and challenge the abilities of our students.
Keystage 3
New Horizons, ASDAN
Keystage 4
Transition Challenge, ASDAN
Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze
Keystage 5 / Post – 16 Study Programme
Personal Progress, ASDAN
Personal, Social Development, ASDAN
Duke of Edinburgh – Silver
Arts Award - Bronze
Functional English and Maths
- ASDAN Transition Challenge is used to accredit a pupil’s learning and achievement in KS4.
- Key stage 4 students work towards achieving the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award. They could then progress to the Silver Award in Sixth Form.